Financial Literacy Programs
Recommended Canadian Financial Literacy programs
including those designed specifically for Indigenous peoples and English Language Learners.

Find various Canadian financial literacy programs for classrooms and for those learning on their own.
The resources and programs on this page have not been connected directly to curricular outcomes in Saskatchewan. However, many educators, students, and families will find connections within these recommended sites since the themes of various modules in these programs clearly connect to Financial Literacy curricular outcomes. Teachers who have questions about connecting content to curricular outcomes can contact SaskMoney at the bottom of this page.
We thank all of these organizations for sharing their terrific programs on SaskMoney!
Indigenous Learners
AFOA Canada
A suite of financial literacy workshops for Indigenous youth. AFOA Canada has developed three financial literacy Dollars and Sense modules for Indigenous students: (1) The Secondary School Module for students in grades 11 and 12; (2) The Middle School Module for students in grades 7 and 8; and (3) The Elementary School Module for students in grades 3 and 4.
The RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples course was created in response to calls from residential school survivors and First Nations youth who recommended financial training as a means to maximizing the benefits of financial compensation.
The course is intended to provide knowledge about money and banking for all Indigenous people.
Prosper Canada
Bright, beautiful, interactive, and simple to use, Managing Your Money offers a series of worksheets to help Indigenous individuals and families set and work towards money goals. Each topic features artwork by Simon Brascoupé paired with a teaching from the animal world. These worksheets can be used in the order they appear, or in a different order that fits best with the individual.
English Language Learners
This financial literacy series contains a variety of excellent financial literacy resources to support English Language Leaners. ERGO is an organization of ESL/ELD coordinators, consultants, and designated representatives of boards of education, colleges and universities across Ontario dedicated to the improvement of educational opportunities and practices for multilingual learners in Ontario schools.
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Recommended Programs
In collaboration with RBC Future Launch and The Globe and Mail
From budgeting to borrowing, real estate and beyond, invest a few hours in this free, online course and gain the knowledge and confidence to make a lifetime of smart financial decisions. Taught by professors from McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, the course is open to everyone. Finish all course modules to receive a McGill Personal Finance Essentials attestation of completion.
Canadian Foundation for Economic Education
With interactive modules that build money confidence, FinLit101 helps youth take ownership of their finances and feel empowered in their choices. It’s a self-paced resource that provides the tools to explore how money can be earned, saved, or spent so youth can feel financially inspired and prepared for their future.
PennyDrops is a student-run, non-profit organization that offers financial literacy programs to high school and post-secondary students across the country.
The platform lets students learn at their own pace through videos and pre and post-lesson quizzes. Teachers can also register to have university mentors deliver all 11 lessons virtually or in-person. To register your classroom for the program, please email [email protected]